APM-M7 Education, Counseling and Human Development (30 ECTS)
M7.1 Education, Biography and Age (10 ECTS)
- 190027 SE Education, Biography and Age - Theoretical foundations of biographical research
- 190097 SE Education, Biography and Age - "Relevante Andere" in biographischen Entwürfen - zur Rekonstruktion bedeutsamer Ereignisse und Personen in Lebensverläufen junger Erwachsener
- 190104 SE Education, Biography and Age - Biographie, Diktatur und Krieg
M7.2 Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality (10 ECTS)
- 190072 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf sprachliche Heterogenität in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- 190074 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Diversität, Normalisierung und Ungleichheit im Kontext von Bildung und Sozialer Arbeit
- 190119 SE [ en ] Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Diversity, Social Inequalities, Equity in Education
M7.3 Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy (10 ECTS)
- 190121 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Ansätze pädagogischer Beratung in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- 190123 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Biographical processes of experience and reflection in psychosocial treatment. A reconstructive analysis of counseling conversations.
- 190278 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Psychosocial councelling in institutional contexts
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32