South Asian, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
Bachelor Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet (629 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
PM1A Introduction to Indology (5 ECTS)
PM1B Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies (5 ECTS)
PM1C Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies (5 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules Fields of Work (15 ECTS)
PM3 Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology (5 ECTS)
- 140137 PS On exchanging, giving and receiving - The significance of the gift in the religious traditions of India
PM4 Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
PM5 Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies (5 ECTS)
Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules First Language (55 ECTS)
A1 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Sanskrit as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2a Classical Sanskrit as First Language I (15 ECTS)
PM6a Classical Sanskrit as First Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140119 SAK Introduction to Classical Sanskrit II
PM8a Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as First Language (10 ECTS)
PM12a Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit I (10 ECTS)
- 140173 UE Buddhist poetry: Aryasura's Jatakamala
- 140508 UE Protected jobs, divorce law, protection of employees - selected texts on approaches to social issues in the Arthasastra
PM17a Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit II (5 ECTS)
B1 Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules Classical Tibetan as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2b Classical Tibetan as First Language I (15 ECTS)
PM6b Classical Tibetan as First Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140180 SAK Introduction to Classical Tibetan II
PM8b Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as First Language (10 ECTS)
PM12b Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan I (10 ECTS)
- 140079 UE Jataka texts
- 140160 UE Vimalakirtinirdesa: Tibetan and Sanskrit-Versions Compared
PM17b Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan II (5 ECTS)
C1 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Indian Language as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2c Modern Indian Language as First Language I (15 ECTS)
PM6c Modern Indian Language as First Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Hindi II
PM8c Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as First Language (10 ECTS)
PM12c Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language I (10 ECTS)
- 140133 UE [ en ne ] Nepali Conversation
- 140148 UE [ en ne ] The Voice of Women in the Nepali Press
- 140419 UE Urdu 1
PM17c Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language II (5 ECTS)
Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules Second Language (30 ECTS)
A2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Sanskrit as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7a Classical Sanskrit as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
PM11a Classical Sanskrit as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140119 SAK Introduction to Classical Sanskrit II
B2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Classical Tibetan as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7b Classical Tibetan as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
PM11b Classical Tibetan as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140180 SAK Introduction to Classical Tibetan II
C2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Indian Language as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7c Modern Indian Language as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
PM11c Modern Indian Language as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Hindi II
D2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Tibetan as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7d Modern Tibetan as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
PM11d Modern Tibetan as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140350 SAK Introduction to Modern Tibetan II
Group of Elective Modules Cultural History (10 ECTS)
WM9 Basics of Cultural History A (5 ECTS)
WM10 Basics of Cultural History B (5 ECTS)
WM13 Culture - Language - Society A (5 ECTS)
- 140122 VO [ en ] Introduction to Indian Esoteric Buddhism
- 140147 VO Research on India and the reception of Indian culture in Austria - selected personalities from the 18th century until today
- 140153 VO [ en ] Life and Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
- 140158 VO Protest movements in the religious culture of South Asia
- 140159 VO Super Power? India as a global player
- 140396 VO Indian Sculpture
WM14 Culture - Language - Society B (5 ECTS)
- 140125 PS Political resistance movements in modern Nepal
- 140169 PS Poetics and aesthetics of classical Sanskrit poetry
- 140397 PS Working with Tibetan historical texts in the Digital Age
- 140527 PS [ en ] Introduction to the Manchu language
Alternative Compulsory Modules - Applied Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
APM15a Field Trip (10 ECTS)
APM15b Regional Cultures (10 ECTS)
APM16a Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language (10 ECTS)
APM16b Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language (10 ECTS)
APM16c Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language (10 ECTS)
APM16d Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Module incl. Bachelor's Papers (15 ECTS)
PM18 Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet (15 ECTS)
- 140138 BA Buddhist Models of Reality - Analysis and Interpretation
- 140141 BA Buddhist Models of Reality - readings in selected texts
- 140145 BA Autobiographical Narration: Literary Studies
- 140503 BA The significance of emotions in Venkatanatha's Bhagavadgita commentary and hymns - Despair, confidence, joy and reverence
- 140529 BA Despair, confidence, joy and reverence: emotions in the context of Visnuite religiosity
- 140539 BA Autobiographical Narration: Cultural Studies
Master Culture and Society in Modern South Asia (interdisciplinary) (685)
PM1 Modern South Asian Society (10 ECTS)
PM2 Basics of Modern South Asian Cultural and Intellectual History (10 ECTS)
APM 3A Cultural Science of Modern South Asia in Practice (10 ECTS)
APM 3B Indian Language (10 ECTS)
PM 4 History of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 080121 SE M110 Representation I: Project Mapping Space - The City in and through intersubjective representations
- 140157 SE Gandhi's political philosophy and practice
APM 5A Basics of Contemporary South Asian Culture (10 ECTS)
- 140147 VO Research on India and the reception of Indian culture in Austria - selected personalities from the 18th century until today
- 140206 UE [ en ] From Nation Building to Nation Branding: Understanding New Nationalism in India
APM 5B South Asia in Global Context (10 ECTS)
- 140159 VO Super Power? India as a global player
- 140206 UE [ en ] From Nation Building to Nation Branding: Understanding New Nationalism in India
PM 6 Languages of Modern South Asia in Practice (10 ECTS)
- 140083 UE [ en ] Introduction to Limbu: Language Course
- 140132 UE [ en ne ] Nepali A: Earthquake 1934 & 2015 in the Nepali and Hindi Literature
- 140300 UE [ en ne ] Nepali B: Earthquake 1934 & 2015 in the Nepali and Hindi Literature
PM 7 Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
PM 8 Master´s Conservatorium (10 ECTS)
Master Languages and Cultures of South Asia (697)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 SLRV Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period (10 ECTS)
M2 ASLRP Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia (10 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Modules Philology and Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
APM3a PT1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I (10 ECTS)
APM3b PT2 Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M4 SLRPV Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia (10 ECTS)
M5 SLRPKM Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 140540 SE [ en ] Religious Beliefs and Practices of Rival Philosophical Traditions as Seen by a Medieval Jain Scholar - The Description of Naiyayikas, Vaisesikas and Samkhyas in Gunaratnasuri's 14th-century Tarkarahasyadipika
Elective Module Groups (10 ECTS)
M6 PR Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Philosophies and Religions of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M6a PTK1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia II (10 ECTS)
- 140162 UE [ en ] Indian Philosophy of Nature: readings in the Vaisesikasutra with Candrananda's commentary II
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
M6 SL Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Languages and Literatures of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M6b PTK2 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Middle Indic and Hybrid/Classical Texts (10 ECTS)
- 140151 UE On martial art in the ancient Indian theatre. Selected passages from Bharatas Natyasastra
- 140299 UE [ en ] Grammar in Theory and Practice - The Grammatical Cases in Panini's System and in the Bhattikavya Poem
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
- 140132 UE [ en ne ] Nepali A: Earthquake 1934 & 2015 in the Nepali and Hindi Literature
- 140300 UE [ en ne ] Nepali B: Earthquake 1934 & 2015 in the Nepali and Hindi Literature
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Module (10 ECTS)
M7 SLRPN Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
Alternative Compusory Modules Master's Colloquium (10 ECTS)
M8a MKPR Master's Colloquium on Philosophy and Religion of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M8b MKSL Master’s Colloquium on Language and Literature of South Asia (10 ECTS)
Master Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (698)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 PM Philology and Methods (10 ECTS)
M2 TH Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 140128 UE [ en ] Saraha's Dohakosha
- 140181 UE [ en ] The Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
Alternative Compulsory Modules (15 ECTS)
M3a EWS Alternative Compulsory Module: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism (15 ECTS)
M3b SV Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Philology (15 ECTS)
- 140080 UE Chinese Buddhist texts
- 140151 UE On martial art in the ancient Indian theatre. Selected passages from Bharatas Natyasastra
- 140162 UE [ en ] Indian Philosophy of Nature: readings in the Vaisesikasutra with Candrananda's commentary II
- 140164 UE [ bo ] Advanced Modern Tibetan I
- 140166 UE [ bo ] Advanced Modern Tibetan II
- 140299 UE [ en ] Grammar in Theory and Practice - The Grammatical Cases in Panini's System and in the Bhattikavya Poem
- 140312 UE Early Sivalinga practices of worship: puja and vrata in the Sivadharmasastra
Compulsory Modules (35 ECTS)
M4 FV Special Lecture on Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
- 140122 VO [ en ] Introduction to Indian Esoteric Buddhism
- 140153 VO [ en ] Life and Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
M5 PRT1 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I (10 ECTS)
M6 LGK Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism (10 ECTS)
- 140144 SE Jinendrabuddhi's Pramanasamuccayatika, Chapter V
- 140211 SE Selected Readings in Buddhist Philosophy of Language
M7 PRT2 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II (10 ECTS)
Master-Module (10 ECTS)
M8 MK Master's Colloquium in Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (10 ECTS)
- 140085 SE PhD Seminar in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140504 KO Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies for Advanced Students
Extension Curriculum South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (145)
M1 Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures (5 ECTS)
- 140147 VO Research on India and the reception of Indian culture in Austria - selected personalities from the 18th century until today
- 140158 VO Protest movements in the religious culture of South Asia
- 140159 VO Super Power? India as a global player
M2 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet (5 ECTS)
- 140153 VO [ en ] Life and Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
M3 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism (5 ECTS)
- 140122 VO [ en ] Introduction to Indian Esoteric Buddhism
- 140396 VO Indian Sculpture
Extension Curriculum South Asian Studies (146)
South Asian Studies (15 ECTS)
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies (10 ECTS)
M2 Basics of Cultural History (5 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (147)
Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (15 ECTS)
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
M2 Basics of Cultural History (10 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Modern Indian Language (641)
Modern Indian Language (30 ECTS)
M1 Modern Indian Language I (15 ECTS)
M2 Modern Indian Language II (15 ECTS)
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Hindi II
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32
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