Master Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (698)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 PM Philology and Methods (10 ECTS)
M2 TH Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 140128 UE [ en ] Saraha's Dohakosha
- 140181 UE [ en ] The Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
Alternative Compulsory Modules (15 ECTS)
M3a EWS Alternative Compulsory Module: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism (15 ECTS)
M3b SV Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Philology (15 ECTS)
- 140080 UE Chinese Buddhist texts
- 140151 UE On martial art in the ancient Indian theatre. Selected passages from Bharatas Natyasastra
- 140162 UE [ en ] Indian Philosophy of Nature: readings in the Vaisesikasutra with Candrananda's commentary II
- 140164 UE [ bo ] Advanced Modern Tibetan I
- 140166 UE [ bo ] Advanced Modern Tibetan II
- 140299 UE [ en ] Grammar in Theory and Practice - The Grammatical Cases in Panini's System and in the Bhattikavya Poem
- 140312 UE Early Sivalinga practices of worship: puja and vrata in the Sivadharmasastra
Compulsory Modules (35 ECTS)
M4 FV Special Lecture on Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
- 140122 VO [ en ] Introduction to Indian Esoteric Buddhism
- 140153 VO [ en ] Life and Works of the 18th-Century Tibetan Intellectual Jikmé Lingpa
M5 PRT1 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I (10 ECTS)
M6 LGK Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism (10 ECTS)
- 140144 SE Jinendrabuddhi's Pramanasamuccayatika, Chapter V
- 140211 SE Selected Readings in Buddhist Philosophy of Language
M7 PRT2 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II (10 ECTS)
Master-Module (10 ECTS)
M8 MK Master's Colloquium in Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (10 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32