Space Productions (11 ECTS)
Theatre and Media Spaces
- 170230 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Mobile concepts of living and architecture
- 170231 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Cinematic Space. Theories and Analysis
- 170232 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Home Computer: Media-historical perspectives on the digitalisation of the home
Staged Spaces
- 170233 UE Exercise Course "Staged Spaces" - Flying Media. Medialities of Traffic: The Case of Aviation.
- 170234 UE Exercise Course "Staged Spaces" - World traffic of images. Space in the travel film.
- 170235 UE Exercise Course "Staged Spaces" - When the stage scenery vanishes
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32