SPL 2 - Protestant Theology
Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, für die eine persönliche Anmeldung - "(p. A.)" - vorgeschrieben ist, haben sich die Studierenden am jeweiligen Institut anzumelden. Die für die Lehrveranstaltung geltenden Anmeldebedingungen sind auf den jeweiligen Institutstafeln der Fakultät angeschlagenen Kundmachungen zu entnehmen (die Institutstafeln befinden sich im Vorraum der Fakultätsbibliothek). Vor allem Erstsemestrige werden eingeladen, die Studienberatung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Protestant Theology
- 020071 VU Intoducing in Philosophy - Intoduction in Philosophy
- 020072 SE Pan-, Atheism- and Theism-contoversy - Pan-, Atheism- and Theism-contoversy
Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020073 VO+UE Exegesis of the Book of Genesis - Exegesis of selected passages from the Book of Genesis
- 020074 VO+UE Exegesis of the Book of Genesis - Exegesis of selected passages from the Book of Genesis
- 020075 UE Old Testament exegetical exercises - Old Testament exegetical exercises
- 020076 VO Intoduction to the Deuteronomistic History - Intoduction to the Deuteronomistic History
- 020077 VO Hermeneutics for Old Testament studies - Old Testament Hermeneutics in the 20th Century
- 020078 SE The canon as theological problem - Old Testament Seminar on "The canon as theological problem"
- 020079 PV Old Testament Privatissimum - Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020080 VO Biblical Archaeology: Jordan - Biblical Archaeology: Jordan
- 020127 UE Introduction to Hebrew f. a teaching qualification - Introduction to Hebrew for a teaching qualification
- 020128 PS+SA PS-AT: Biblical Proseminar I - Proseminar in Old Testament with extended essay
New Testament Studies
- 010257 VO+UE New Testament Greek II/1 - New Testament Greek II/1
- 010344 VO+UE New Testament Greek II/2 - New Testament Greek II/2
- 010321 VO+UE New Testament Greek - New Testament Greek: Internsive Course
- 020081 PV Privatissimum: New Testament - Privatissimum: Recent literature on New Testament topics
- 020082 VO Romans - Romans
- 020083 UE Exegetical exercises: Epistles of John - Exegetical exercises: Epistles of John
- 020084 SE New Testament Seminary - Seminary: Conflicts with opponents in late New Testament scriptures
- 020085 VO John the Baptist - Exegesis: John the Baptist
- 020086 VU The Old and New Testament: An Overview - The Old and New Testament: An Overview
- 020087 VO Intoduction into the New Testament I - Intoduction into the New Testament I (The Books of the New Testament)
- 020088 VO Intoduction into the New Testament II - Intoduction into the New Testament II (History of the Text and Canon, Apocryphes)
- 020119 UE Cursory Reading of New Testament - Cursory Reading of New Testament
Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020089 VO Rome and the idea of Rome in Antiquity - Rome and the idea of Rome in Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle-Ages
- 020090 VO History and problems of writing History ... - History and problems of writing History and Churchhistory
- 020091 VO The Old-Church at the climax of her meaning a+b - The Old-Church at the climax of her meaning a) history of events b) development of the doctrines
- 020123 PS+SA Radical Reformation - Radical Reformation
- 020124 VO History of Protestantism in Austria since 1781 - History of Protestantism in Austria since 1781
- 020125 SE Monuments of the Reformation in Austria - Monuments of the Reformation in Austria
- 020126 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum
Systematic Theology
- 020092 VO Dogmatic II - Dogmatic II
- 020093 VU Theological Encyclopedia - Theological Encyclopedia
- 020094 SE Martin: Luther: The Bondage of the Will - Martin: Luther: The Bondage of the Will
- 020095 SE Genetics, Ethics and Law - Genetics, Ethics and Law
- 020096 PV Exclusive Tutorial: Systematic Theology - Exclusive Tutorial: Problems and Issues in Systematic Theology
- 020097 PV Privatissimum: Systematic Theology - Privatissimum: Main problems of modern systematic theology
- 020098 VO The ethics of Martin Luther - The ethics of Martin Luther
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 010045 UE Personal growth and self-experience III - Main themes of personal growth and self-experience for theologians III
- 020099 SE Seminar in Homiletic I - Seminar in Homiletic I: Dealing with "Antijudaistic" Texts in Sermons
- 020101 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology - Reasoning and Acting: Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020102 VO Seminar in Psychology of Religion - How Images of God Develop. Positions within the Objectrelationstheory: Seminar in Psychology of Religion
- 020104 PV Research SE: Pratical Theol. ,Psychology of Relig. - Research Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students and for Socrates Candidates in Psychology of Religion
- 020105 VO Intoduction to Homiletic - The Art of making Something Plausible: Intoduction to Homiletic
- 020106 UE Diaconical work in the city - Diaconical work in the city
- 020108 UE Introduction to Group Dynamics - Introduction to Group Dynamics
- 020109 UE Rhetorical Comm.: From Talk. to Speaking in Public - Rhetorical Communication.: From Talking to Speaking in Public
- 020110 UE Jurisprudence for Theologians - Jurisprudence for Theologians
- 020111 VU Church Law for Theologians - Law of the Protestant Church in Austria
- 020112 PV The "Zips" - History of Law - The "Zips" - History of Law
- 020120 UE The Parish as Field of Practice - The Parish as Field of Practice
- 020130 VU Intoduction to Christian Theology - Intoduction to Christian Theology, esp. for students in Muslim Religious Education
Religious Education
- 020113 VO Religious Education II (Didactics) - Religious Education II (Didactics)
- 020114 VU Parish education - Parish education focussed on primary religious instruction
- 020115 SP+SA Practical course of religious instruction II - Practical course of religious instruction II
- 020116 PV Research question in the field of relig. education - Research questions in the field of religious education
- 020117 UE Symbols give us "to experience, to think,to learn" - Symbols give us "to experience, to think and to learn". The method of amplification as useful way for a didactic approach
- 020118 SP Pedagogic exercise course - Pedagogic exercise course
- 020121 UE Bible: Didactical Training - Bible: Didactical Training
- 020129 UE Bibliodrama course - Bibliodrama course. Advanced training to work with Bibliodrama WS 2005/06 -- SS 2007
Church Law
Religious Science
Women¿s Research
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34