SPL 2 - Protestant Theology
Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, für die eine persönliche Anmeldung - "(p. A.)" - vorgeschrieben ist, haben sich die Studierenden am jeweiligen Institut anzumelden. Die für die Lehrveranstaltung geltenden Anmeldebedingungen sind auf den jeweiligen Institutstafeln der Fakultät angeschlagenen Kundmachungen zu entnehmen (die Institutstafeln befinden sich im Vorraum der Fakultätsbibliothek). Vor allem Erstsemestrige werden eingeladen, die Studienberatung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Protestant Theology
Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020061 VO+UE Exegesis of Capita Selecta from the Book of Esther
- 020062 VO+UE Exegesis of Capita Selecta from the Book of Esther
- 020063 UE Exercise in Exegesis of Hebrew Bible Texts
- 020064 VO Basic Problems in Old Testament Theology
- 020065 VO Historiography of Israel - Intoduction to Old Testament Historiography
- 020066 SE Old Testament Seminar-Women in The Book of Genesis
- 020067 PV Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020068 VO Biblical Archaeology: Lebanon
- 020105 UE Hebrew
New Testament Studies
- 010140 VO+UE New Testament Greek I
- 020069 PV Privatissiumum: Colloquium for graduands and doctoral students
- 020071 VO Galatians
- 020073 VO History of the Early Church
- 020074 UE Apocryphal Gospels
- 020075 PS+SA Intoduction into New Testament Exegesis (Biblical Exegesis II)
- 020076 UE Experiencing Bibliodrama
- 020077 SE The Trials of Jesus and Paul
Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020078 KO Texts and monuments of late antiquity. An advanced seminary.
- 020079 SE Martin Luther the three most important book of 1520
- 020080 SE Ravenna. A late antique capital.
- 020081 VO History of Reformation
- 020092 VO Church History and Theological Thought - 4th - 6th Century - ---
- 020102 VO Church, State and Religion in Europe in the 19th and 20th century
- 020103 SE Pietism
- 020104 PV Privatissimum
Systematic Theology
- 020082 VO Dogmatic III
- 020083 VO Intoductions to dogmatic considering classic protestant tradition
- 020084 SE+SA Schleiermacher's theological ethics
- 020085 VO Intoduction to nursing ethics
- 020086 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues of Systematic Theology
- 020087 VO Central problems of Christology
- 020088 SE Contemporary Christology
- 020089 PV Privatissimum: main problems of modern systematic theology
- 020090 PS Systematic-theological proseminar: methods and approaches of systematic theology
- 020091 UE Introduction to scientific working
Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020093 UE Main Themes of personal growth and self-experience for theologians I
- 020094 UE Main Themes of personal growth and self-experience for theologians IV
- 020095 UE Rhetorical Communication I: Conducting Conversations
- 020110 UE Church music/Hymns - P. Gerhardt, Ph. Nicolai - their hymns in comparision to contemporary hymn creation
- 020111 VU Rites, Celebrations, Worship: Introduction to Liturgics
- 020112 SE+SA Seminar in Homiletics II: Preparing a Sermon
- 020113 SE Seminar in Pastoral Care/Pastoral Psychology - Spirituality - a Term Searching for its Meaning
- 020114 PV Research Seminar - for MA and PhD Students and Students enrolled in the Socrates-Program Psychology of Religion
Religious Education
- 020096 VO Religious Education III
- 020097 SP+SA Practical course of religious instruction II
- 020098 UE Teaching methods and media in the classroom
- 020099 UE Bibliodrama course. Advanced training to work with Bibliodrama - WS 2007/08-SS2009
- 020100 UE Women in the Bibel and RE
- 020101 UE Children in the film. Theological, ethical and religious educational aspects.
- 020106 PV Privatissimum: Research in Religious Education
- 020107 EX Excursion: The religious situation in Romania
- 020109 VU Parish Education
- 020115 UE Bible: Didactical Training (The Parable of the Prodigal Son)
Church Law
- 020108 SE Religious law in Austria - Churches and schools-Religious education and confessional private schools in Austrian legal order
Religious Science
- 020117 VO Introduction to the Scientific Study of Religions - (Emphasis on the Development and History of Religions)
- 020118 SE Muslims in Hospitals
- 020119 SE Theory of Science of the Study of Religions - according to Joachim Wach's "Religionswissenschaft. Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung", Leipzig 1924 ( = "Introduction to the History of Religions", translated and edited by Kitagawa, J.M./Alles, G.D.: New York/London 1988).
- 020120 VO Introduction to Islam
Women¿s Research
- 020066 SE Old Testament Seminar-Women in The Book of Genesis
- 020116 UE Theological Gender Studies - ".... here is neither male nor female" - or is it ? Basic questions, methods and relevance of theological Gender Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34