Universität Wien

4. Approaches to the Study of Religions

010371 VO Interreligious Dialogue - The Official Documents of the Catholic Church
010177 VO Introduction in Christian Iconography: The Image of Christ II - (Images of Transfiguration, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost and Doomsday)
080066 VO [en] Aspects of Indian Architecture (au.K.) - Social, Symbolic and Formal Origins of the Indian Temple
240021 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness - An Introduction
240065 VO Funeral Art - Entrance ticket to the land of the Deads
140530 SE Readings in the Madhva School - The Purnaprajnadarsana of the Sarvadarsanasamgraha of Madhva
180419 SE The concept of philosophy in Islam - The authority of Aristoteles on the opinion of Ibn Rushd(Averroes 12. cen.): Are Philosophy and Theologie contradictory?
010369 SE [en] Cross-cultural communication - How to create effective communication with different cultural groups
030052 SE Law of Chrstian East - Orthodox Churches in Europe
030399 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
030407 SE Development of Human Rights in Austria and the Relationship between Church and State - vertiefende historische Kompetenz (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
030567 SE Discrimination for ethnic and religios reasons - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
010360 VO [en] Contemporary Approaches to Religion in Sociology and Cultural Analysis - Secularisation Theory Re-Examined

Last modified: Sa 04.08.2018 01:38