SPL 13 - Fennistics, Hungarian Studies, Dutch Studies, Scandinavian Studies and Slavonic Studies
13.01. Finno-Ugristik
A. Bachelorstudium Fennistik
- 130010 VO Introduction to Linguistics
- 130037 UE Finnish Language III
- 130038 UE Finnish Language V
- 130055 VO Finnland: History and Culture I
- 130058 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature I
- 130059 VO Descriptive Grammar of Finnish II
- 130071 VO Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130081 UE Finnisch Language I
Modulgruppe I - Studieneingangsphase
Modul 1: Spracherwerb
Modul 2: Philologische Einführungen
Modulgruppe II - Aufbauphase
Modul 3: Spracherwerb
Modul 4: Sprachwissenschaft
Modul 5: Kulturwissenschaft
Modulgruppe III - Vertiefungsphase
Modul 6: Spracherwerb
Modul 7: Ostseefinnischer Kontext & Estonistik
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 8a: Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung Sprachwissenschaft
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 8b: Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung Literaturwissenschaft
B. Masterstudium Finno-Ugristik
- 130009 VO Historic Hungarian Grammar I
- 130012 VO Comparative Uralic Phonology
- 130013 VO Livonian I
- 130015 VO History of Finno-Ugrian Studies
- 130016 SE Graduate Seminar/Masterseminar
- 130070 VO Structure of Hungarian I
Modul 1: Strukturkurs Finnisch/Ungarisch
Modul 2: Vergleichende Uralistik
Modul 3: Kleine finnougrische Sprachen
Modul 4: Thematisches Seminar
Modul 5: Ergänzende Studien
Modul 6: Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung
Modul 7: Masterseminar
C. Bachelorstudium Hungarologie
- 130003 VO Hungarian: History and Culture I
- 130007 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar II
- 130010 VO Introduction to Linguistics
- 130025 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature I
- 130061 UE Hungarian Language I
- 130064 UE Hungarian Language III
- 130067 UE Hungarian Language V
- 130071 VO Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
Modulgruppe I - Studieneingangsphase
Pflichtmodul 1: Spracherwerb
Pflichtmodul 2: Philologische Einführungen
Modulgruppe II - Aufbauphase
Pflichtmodul 3: Spracherwerb
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 4a: Grundlagen der ungarischen Sprachwissenschaft
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 4b: Grundlagen der ungarischen Literaturwissenschaft
Modulgruppe III - Vertiefungsphase
Pflichtmodul 5: Spracherwerb
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 6a: Vertiefung Sprachwissenschaft
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 6b: Vertiefung Literaturwissenschaft
D. Masterstudium Hungarologie
- 130004 VO Hungarian Neo-Avantgarde in a Central European Context
- 130005 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] NYUGAT: The Magazine and its Circle
- 130019 VO Literary and Culture Sciences
- 130024 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130031 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Film from the Beginning to 1970
- 130035 VO Modern Hungarian Novel
- 130087 UE History of Hungarian Press in Vienna I
Modul 1: Theoretische und methodologische Fragen der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
Modul 2: Interdisziplinarität: Hungarologie im Kontext der Nachbardisziplinen - Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Theater und Film
Modul 3: Ungarische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft als Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Modul 4: Mastermodul
E. Bakkalaureatsstudien
Bakkalaureatsstudium: Fennistik
- 130010 VO Introduction to Linguistics
- 130037 UE Finnish Language III
- 130038 UE Finnish Language V
- 130055 VO Finnland: History and Culture I
- 130058 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature I
- 130059 VO Descriptive Grammar of Finnish II
- 130071 VO Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130081 UE Finnisch Language I
- 130083 UE Estonian Language III
- 130084 UE Estonian Language V
- 130085 UE Estonian Language I
Bakkalaureatsstudium: Hungarologie
- 130003 VO Hungarian: History and Culture I
- 130007 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar II
- 130010 VO Introduction to Linguistics
- 130021 PS [ de hu ] Literary Science as Cultural Science: Cultural Translation
- 130025 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature I
- 130029 UE [ de hu ] Reading Hungarian Literary Works
- 130061 UE Hungarian Language I
- 130064 UE Hungarian Language III
- 130067 UE Hungarian Language V
- 130071 VO Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
F. Magisterstudien
Magisterstudium: Finnisch-ugrische Sprachwissenschaft
- 130008 UE Mari III
- 130009 VO Historic Hungarian Grammar I
- 130012 VO Comparative Uralic Phonology
- 130013 VO Livonian I
- 130015 VO History of Finno-Ugrian Studies
- 130016 SE Graduate Seminar/Masterseminar
- 130070 VO Structure of Hungarian I
Magisterstudium: Ungarische Literaturwissenschaft
- 130004 VO Hungarian Neo-Avantgarde in a Central European Context
- 130005 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] NYUGAT: The Magazine and its Circle
- 130019 VO Literary and Culture Sciences
- 130024 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130031 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Film from the Beginning to 1970
- 130035 VO Modern Hungarian Novel
- 130087 UE History of Hungarian Press in Vienna I
G. Lehramtsstudium Ungarisch
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Erster Abschnitt
- 130007 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar II
- 130021 PS [ de hu ] Literary Science as Cultural Science: Cultural Translation
- 130025 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature I
- 130029 UE [ de hu ] Reading Hungarian Literary Works
- 130061 UE Hungarian Language I
- 130064 UE Hungarian Language III
- 130071 VO Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130073 UE Media Didactics
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Fachdidaktik
- 130073 UE Media Didactics
- 130075 UE Cultural Awareness
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Zweiter Abschnitt
- 130004 VO Hungarian Neo-Avantgarde in a Central European Context
- 130005 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130009 VO Historic Hungarian Grammar I
- 130016 SE Graduate Seminar/Masterseminar
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] NYUGAT: The Magazine and its Circle
- 130019 VO Literary and Culture Sciences
- 130024 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130031 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Film from the Beginning to 1970
- 130035 VO Modern Hungarian Novel
- 130064 UE Hungarian Language III
- 130067 UE Hungarian Language V
- 130075 UE Cultural Awareness
- 130211 VO Lecture Series: Literature in Context
E Dutch Studies
A. Bachelorstudium Nederlandistik
- 130188 KU-VL Introduction to the Study of Dutch Literature
1. Modulgruppe I: STEP
Modul I: Spracherwerb
- 130189 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
Modul II: Einführungen
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130188 KU-VL Introduction to the Study of Dutch Literature
2. Modulgruppe II: Aufbau
Modul III: Spracherwerb
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
Modul IV: Aufbau LW/SW
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary criticism I
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Terminology concerning the state: Netherlands and Flanders
3. Modulgruppe III: Vertiefung
Modul VI: Vertiefung GK/LW/SW
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
Modul VII: Berufsorientierte Spezialisation
- 130202 KU-VL [ af de ] Afrikaans Language and Culture 1
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
- 130222 KU Translation I
B. Masterstudium Nederlandistik
1. Pflichtmodulgruppe I: Grundlagen und Einführungen
Modul I: Grundlagen
Modul II: Einführungsseminare
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
2. Pflichtmodulgruppe II: Vertiefung
Modul III: Literaturwissenschaft
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
Modul IV: Sprachwissenschaft
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
3. Pflichtmodulgruppe III: Abschluss
Modul VII: Graduiertenkolleg
- 130194 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
C. Diplomstudium Nederlandistik
1. Studieneingangsphase
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
- 130188 KU-VL Introduction to the Study of Dutch Literature
- 130189 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
- 130182 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Literature after 1945
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary criticism I
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
Sacond Stage of the Degree Programme
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
4. Konversatorien für Dissertant/inn/en und Diplomand/inn/en
- 130194 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
Elecive Courses
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
- 130182 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Literature after 1945
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary criticism I
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130202 KU-VL [ af de ] Afrikaans Language and Culture 1
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
- 130211 VO Lecture Series: Literature in Context
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
- 130222 KU Translation I
- 130223 KU-VL Culture, Literature and Context: Intercultural Introduction
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Terminology concerning the state: Netherlands and Flanders
D. Erweiterungscurriculum Einführung in die niederländische Sprache und Kultur
Modul I: Einführung in Kultur und Geschichte des niederländischen Sprachraums
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
Modul II: Spracherwerb I
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
E. Bachelorstudium (DCC) "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context"
1. Spracherwerb Basis
Modul 1: Spracherwerb I-II (njb1a,njb1b)
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130189 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
2. Einführung
Modul 2: Einführungen- Kultur und Geschichte, Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft (njb2a, njb2b, njb2c)
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130188 KU-VL Introduction to the Study of Dutch Literature
3. Spracherwerb Aufbau
Modul 4: Spracherwerb III-IV (njb3a, njb3b)
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
4. Spracherwerb Vertiefung
Modul 10: Berufsorientierte Spezialisation (njb4b, njb4c)
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
- 130222 KU Translation I
Modul 7: Sprachwissenschaft Aufbau (njb4a)
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
5. Sprachwissenschaft
Modul 8, 11: Sprachwissenschaft I und II (njb5b)
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Terminology concerning the state: Netherlands and Flanders
Modul 12: Sprachwissenschaft Vertiefung (njb5a)
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
6. Kultur und Literatur
Modul 13: Kultur und Literatur Vertiefung (njb6b, njb6c)
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
Modul 5: Literaturwissenschaft Aufbau (njb6a)
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary criticism I
7. Sprache und Kultur im Kontext (Joint I)
Modul 3: Einführung Interkulturalität (njb7a)
Modul 6, 9, 14, 15, 16: Sprache und Kultur im Kontext (njb7b)
- 130182 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Literature after 1945
8. Mitteleuropäischer Kontext (Joint II)
Modul 17, 18, 19: EU-Kenntnisse u. Politologie, Ökonomie, Geschichte (njb8a, njb8b, njb8c)
9. Multilinguale Kompetenz (Joint III)
Modul 20: 2. Fremdsprache (njb9)
10. Abschluss
Modul 21: Berufsvorbereitendes Projekt (njb10a)
Modul 22: Bachelorarbeit (njb10b)
1. International Bachelor's Degree Programme "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context (DCC)"
1.1 Basis Curriculum
Module group 1: Basic Language Acquisition
- 130189 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
Module group 2: Introductory Module
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130188 KU-VL Introduction to the Study of Dutch Literature
BA Phase
Module group 3: Language Acquisition I
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
Module group 4: Language Acquisition II
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module)
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
- 130222 KU Translation I
Module group 5: Linguistic Competence
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics Seminar
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Terminology concerning the state: Netherlands and Flanders
Module group 6: Cultural Competence
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary criticism I
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Post-colonial migrants in the Netherlands and Belgium
- 130200 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
1.2 Joint Curriculum
Module group 7: Language & Culture in Context (Joint I)
7.1. Intercultural Introduction
7.2. Language & Culture in Context
- 130182 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Literature after 1945
Module group 8: Central European Cultural Context (Joint II)
Module group 9: Multilingual Competence (Joint III)
13.03. Skandinavistik
- 130045 PS Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 2
- 130047 UE [ is ] Icelandic: Conversation
A. Bachelorstudium Skandinavistik
1. STEP - Studieneingangsphase
Modul SKB110: Voraussetzungen der Skandinavistik
- 130220 XV Scandinavian Area Studies, Culture and Society
- 130229 UE Introduction to Scholarly Writing
Modul SKB120: Einführung i. d. Skandinavistik ¿ Grundstufe
- 130049 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 1
- 130050 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature
- 130232 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Cultural Studies
2. Pflichtmodule
Modul SKB210: Einführung i. d. Skandinavistik ¿ Aufbaustufe
- 130041 PS Old Norse
Modul SKB220: Skandinavistische Sprachwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
Modul SKB230: Skandinavistische Literaturwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Ludvig Holberg
- 130234 PS Renaissance, baroque, classicism in Nordic literature - a survey
Modul SKB240: Skandinavistische Kulturwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130014 PS [ en ] Welfare states at the two sides of the Baltic Sea: Scandinavia and Baltic States compared
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
3. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppen
APMG: Skandinavische Sprache - Dänisch
Modul SKB250D: Dänisch - Grundstufe
- 130227 UE Danish 1
Modul SKB260D: Dänisch - Aufbaustufe
- 130228 UE [ da ] Danish 3
Modul SKB270D: Dänisch - Endstufe
- 130212 UE [ da ] Danish: Translation
APMG: Skandinavische Sprache - Isländisch
Modul SKB250I: Isländisch - Grundstufe
- 130042 UE Icelandic 1
Modul SKB260I: Isländisch - Aufbaustufe
- 130043 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
Modul SKB270I: Isländisch - Endstufe
- 130230 UE Icelandic Area Studies
APMG: Skandinavische Sprache - Norwegisch
Modul SKB250N: Norwegisch - Grundstufe
- 130226 UE Norwegian 1
Modul SKB260N: Norwegisch - Aufbaustufe
- 130207 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
Modul SKB270N: Norwegisch - Endstufe
- 130208 UE [ no ] Norwegian: Translation
APMG: Skandinavische Sprache - Schwedisch
Modul SKB250S: Schwedisch - Grundstufe
- 130224 UE Swedish 1
- 130231 UE Swedisch 1
Modul SKB260S: Schwedisch - Aufbaustufe
Modul SKB270S: Schwedisch - Endstufe
- 130044 UE [ de sv ] Area Studies: Sweden
4. Wahlmodulgruppe
Modul SKB310: Vertiefung skandinavistische Sprachwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
Modul SKB320: Vertiefung skandinavistische Literaturwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Ludvig Holberg
Modul SKB330: Vertiefung skandinavistische Kulturwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
Modul SKB340: Vertiefung Altnordistik
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
Modul SKB350D: Weitere skandinavische Sprache - Dänisch
- 130227 UE Danish 1
Modul SKB350I: Weitere skandinav. Sprache - Isländisch
- 130042 UE Icelandic 1
Modul SKB350N: Weitere skandinav. Sprache - Norwegisch
- 130226 UE Norwegian 1
Modul SKB350S: Weitere skandinav. Sprache - Schwedisch
- 130224 UE Swedish 1
- 130231 UE Swedisch 1
Modul SKB360: Nichtskandinavische Sprache des Nordens
Modul SKB370: Grundlagen zweier nichtskand. Spr. d. Nord.
Modul SKB380D: Skandinavische Zweitsprache - Dänisch
- 130228 UE [ da ] Danish 3
Modul SKB380I: Skandinavische Zweitsprache - Isländisch
- 130043 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
Modul SKB380N: Skandinav. Zweitsprache - Norwegisch
- 130207 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
Modul SKB380S: Skandinavische Zweitsprache - Schwedisch
Modul SKB390: Ostseeraumstudien
- 130014 PS [ en ] Welfare states at the two sides of the Baltic Sea: Scandinavia and Baltic States compared
- 130197 PS Introduction to Baltic Area Studies
5. Bachelormodul
Modul SKBB: Lehrveranstaltungen mit Bachelorarbeiten
B. Masterstudium Skandinavistik
1. Pflichtmodul
Modul SKM110: Skandinavistische Sprachwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130076 SE Trends in the Newer History of Scandinavian Languages
Modul SKM120: Skandinavistische Literaturwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Ludvig Holberg
- 130215 SE August Strindberg
- 130217 SE Of wooers and wooed - bridal quest in Scandinavian and German mediaeval literature
Modul SKM130: Skandinavistische Kulturwissenschaft
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130040 SE Scandinavian Artists Discover Europe
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
2. Alternative Pflichtmodule
Modul SKM210: Spezialisierung in skandinavist. Sprachwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130076 SE Trends in the Newer History of Scandinavian Languages
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
- 130398 KO Colloquium in Linguistics
Modul SKM220: Spezialisierg. in skandinavist. Literaturwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Ludvig Holberg
- 130215 SE August Strindberg
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
- 130217 SE Of wooers and wooed - bridal quest in Scandinavian and German mediaeval literature
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
Modul SKM230: Spezialisierung in skandinavist. Kulturwiss.
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130040 SE Scandinavian Artists Discover Europe
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
Modul SKM240: Spezialisierung in Altnordistik
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130217 SE Of wooers and wooed - bridal quest in Scandinavian and German mediaeval literature
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
C. Diplomstudium Skandinavistik
Erster Studienabschnitt
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
Seminare (und Konversatorien) für Dissertant/inn/en und Diplomand/inn/en
D. Erweiterungscurriculum Skandinavistik
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130039 VO Faroese Language and Culture
- 130042 UE Icelandic 1
- 130046 VO Medieval Artus Literature in Scandinavia
- 130049 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 1
- 130050 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Ludvig Holberg
- 130220 XV Scandinavian Area Studies, Culture and Society
- 130232 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Cultural Studies
E. Erweiterungscurriculum Skandinavistik: Ostseeraumstudien
- 130211 VO Lecture Series: Literature in Context
- 130224 UE Swedish 1
- 130227 UE Danish 1
- 130231 UE Swedisch 1
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34