C. Diploma Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 300545 SE Efficient Learning - Revision course to Animal Anatomy and Biology (300098)
- 330011 VO Ecophysiology of crop plants
- 330018 UE Biochemical Practise - Biochemical Practise
- 330026 UE Botanic exercises
- 330032 UE Physics Laboratory Course
- 330038 VO Introduction to biological cultivation - Introduction to biological cultivation
- 330047 VO Supply inventory and supply conservation
- 330089 VO Introduction to Economics - Introduction to Economics
1.1. Required Courses
- 330004 UE I.T. and Biometry Practicals
- 330007 UE Food Storage and Preservation Practicals
- 330031 UE Nutritional Practice I Including Nutricion Anthropometry
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330044 UE Chemical exercises for nutritional scientists
- 330045 UE chemical exercises for lectureship BU and HE - chemical exercises for lectureshipstudies biology and nutrition
- 330053 UE Microbiology Practicals
- 330083 VO Biochemical technique - Biochemical technique
- 330098 VO Introduction to Biostatistics
- 300612 UE Environmental Health Interactions - Molecular Epidemiology and Epigenetics
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Required Courses
- 330050 UE Lab Course of Analytical Food Chemistry
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology II
2.2. Areas of Specialisation
2.2.1. Required Main Subject "Special Nutrition and Dietetics"
- 330012 VO [ en ] Nutrition and Immunology - Food allergies
- 330013 VO Sport and nutrition - Physiological basics of performance, training and nutrition
- 330036 UE Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics
- 330039 VO Communal feeding
- 330074 SE Course for special dietetics
- 330081 VO Dietetic treatment including artificial nutrition
- 330100 VO Nutrition through the life cycle
2.2.2. Elective Subjects "Food Production and Food Technology"
- 330003 VO+SE Qualitymanagement in the food industry
- 330030 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
- 330046 UE Sensory Evaluation of Foods (practice)
- 330055 VO Packaging tecnology
- 330095 VO Lebensmittelkennzeichnung - Food Labeling
- 330107 VO Sicherheitsbeurteilung neuartiger Lebensmittel
- 330113 VO Sensory Evaluation of Foods "Psychology of Nutrition/Nutrition Education"
- 330043 VO Nutrient sociology
- 330070 VO Consumer counselling
- 330080 VO Methods and Conceps of nutritional education - Methods and Conceps of nutritional education "Nutrition and the Environment"
- 330030 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330037 VO+SE Environmental impact/environmental analysis - Environmental impact/environmental analysis
- 330039 VO Communal feeding
- 330041 VO Environmental protection and law - Environmental protection and law
- 330054 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
- 330087 VO Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research "Nutrition Economy"
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330054 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
- 330070 VO Consumer counselling
- 330084 VO Marketing research
- 330091 VO Global Agricultural Markets
2.3. Free Electives
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
- 300545 SE Efficient Learning - Revision course to Animal Anatomy and Biology (300098)
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330006 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330014 SE Media Studies and Teaching Techniques
- 330015 SE [ en ] Aspects of Nutrition Economics in Developing Count - Aspects of Nutrition Economics in Developing Countries
- 330022 UE Practise in food preparation
- 330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology - Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330038 VO Introduction to biological cultivation - Introduction to biological cultivation
- 330042 UE Radiation Biology Practicals
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330054 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
- 330060 SE [ en ] Seminar nutritional epidemiology
- 330067 SE Course for graduants and Ph.D. students
- 330071 VO Molecular Genetics - for Nutrition Scientists
- 330077 SE Wild food - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330086 VO Preservation of food by irradiation
- 330087 VO Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330101 SE Nutrition- and Health- Policy
2.4. Thesis Supervision
- 330064 SE Instruction to scientific work - Instruction to scientific work
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35