§ 57.3. Philosophy Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 57.3.1. History of Philosophy II
- 180226 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180302 VO Philosophy of Language
- 180338 VO Types of reception of German Idealism in the 20th century
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
- 180369 SE Political Theories in Modern Times
§ 57.3.2. Interpretation of Philosophical Texts
- 180115 SE Classical texts on aesthetics - From Aristotle to Zizek
- 180225 SE Philosophy and Economics - Epistemology
- 180236 SE Mind and society
- 180264 SE Ethics and Philosophy of Religion - Friedrich Nietzsche
- 180300 SE Three Ethics Models from a cultural-philosophical point of view: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer
- 180307 SE Body and Sexuality - Phänomenologische und diskurstheoretische Perspektiven (Waldenfels, Foucault)
- 180310 SE Philosophy of science - Neukantianismus und 20. Jh. Zwischen Wissenschaftstheorie und Anthropologie
§ 57.3.3. Applied Ethics
- 180209 SE Abortion - Part 2
- 180255 VO People with dementia - people without mind?
- 180306 VO Ethics requires feeling - Fundamental issues in dealing with the fear in the doctors-patients relationship with the topic Psycho Oncology
- 180362 VO Elements of Applied Ethics
- 190348 VO Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines - Psychoanalysis and Ethics
§ 57.3.4. Philosophical Problems of the Present
- 180019 SE The Question of God - God or Mammon
- 180043 VO Resisting Bodies - Aisthesis - Materiality - Presence - Performativitity
- 180199 SE Truth
- 180211 VO Beauty - A concept and its reality
- 180213 SE The Unity of the Proposition - Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein on Predication
- 180214 VO Morality and religion in the modern constitutional state
- 180215 SE Introduction to the Analytical Philosophy of Language
- 180222 SE Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180223 VO-L Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180267 VO Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition and the Brain-Mind-Problem
- 180278 SE Intentionality and Consciousness
- 180289 SE Aplomb and Body Consciousness - Positionen der analytischen Philosophie und Phänomenologie
- 180357 SE New Trends in Philosophy of Language
- 180368 VO Intersubjective Foundations of Right and Morality
- 180379 VO [ en ] The Sources of Epistemic Normativity
§ 57.3.5. Interdisciplinary Seminar
- 180203 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180294 SE Interdisciplinary seminary philosophy of law - Philosophy and theory of law
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35