D. Teacher Training Programme: Physics
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Experimental Physics
- 260089 VO Introduction to Physics I
- 260163 PR Experimental methods for Introduction to Physics I
- 260162 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260208 PR Pre - Laboratory for Physics Teacher Training
- 260102 VO+UE Introduction to mathematics for physicists I - with practical exercises (Introduction to mathematics for physicists I)
1.2. Theoretical Physics
1.3. Teaching Methodology
- 260164 SE Introduction to Physics Education
- 260058 SE Didactics of physics: Physics and Philosophy
- 260179 SE Methods of Physics Education
- 260256 PR Consolidation of physics teaching: Free hand experiments
- 260264 VO+SE Physics for Every Day Life - What role does physics play in every day activities?
- 260344 SE Didactics of Optics
- 260354 SE Language in physics classes
- 260052 SE Standard-Oriented Teaching
1.4. Mathematics
- 260230 VO Mathematical Basics for Physics 2 (STEP)
- 260231 UE Exercises to Mathematical Basics for Physics 2 (STEP)
- 260223 VO Chemistry for physicists - Part A: Inorganic chemistry
- 260131 VO Chemistry for Physicists - Part B: Organic chemistry - Part B: Organic chemistry
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Experimental Physics
- 260019 VO Methods of experimental quantum optics
- 260353 VO [ en ] Experimental and conceptual foundations of quantum physics and quantum information
2.1.1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- 260140 VO Introduction to nuclear physics I
- 260219 KO Elementary particle physics for beginners
- 260153 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics I
- 260090 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260044 VO [ de en ] Storage Rings and Ion Traps
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III, Quanta, atoms and nuclei
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
2.1.2. Quantum Physics
- 260065 SE [ de en ] Foundations of modern quantum physics
- 260137 SE Selected problems of quantum theory
- 260104 SE [ de en ] Quantum physics without formalism - Interdisciplinary seminar of quantum physics
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III, Quanta, atoms and nuclei
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
- 260033 UE Support for L2 with emphasis on physics education in school
2.1.3. Matter and Solid-State Physics
- 260159 VO Physics of matter I
- 260020 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics
- 260002 VO Introduction to solid state physics (electronic properties) - for students of all semesters
- 260011 VO [ de en ] Scattering methods in modern science
- 260042 VO Superconductivity 1 (incl. high-temperature sc) - for students of all semesters
- 260050 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260061 VO [ en ] Introduction to Photonics
- 260128 VO [ de en ] Introduction to the Physics of Metals and Alloys
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260201 SE [ en ] Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260132 SE Physical materials testing - New methods
- 260209 SE ODICS (Order and disorder in complex systems)
2.1.4. Interdisciplinary Physics
- 260161 VO Introduction to Environmental Science
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260097 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
2.1.5. Computational Physics
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260016 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
2.2. Theoretical Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
- 260176 VO Theoretical physics for teacher students L2 (Quantum Physics and Statistical Physics)
- 260255 UE Exercises: Theoretical Physics/ teacher students 2
- 260033 UE Support for L2 with emphasis on physics education in school
2.3. Physics Laboratory
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
- 260005 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260060 PR Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260057 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260095 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
- 300196 UE Advanced biophysical laboratory work
- 260196 PR Advanced biophysical laboratory work, supplement
2.4. Teaching Methodology
- 260056 EX Pedagogics of excursions
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 260215 SE Teaching Methodology - Teaching with "hands-on-exhibits" I, Practicum
- 260252 SE Learning processes in physics lessons-Peer Coaching
- 260264 VO+SE Physics for Every Day Life - What role does physics play in every day activities?
- 260344 SE Didactics of Optics
- 260354 SE Language in physics classes
- 260058 SE Didactics of physics: Physics and Philosophy
- 260113 SE Preparation of classroom teaching for student teachers in physics
- 260008 SE Seminar for PhD Students and Diploma Students - Research in physics aducation
2.5. Excursions
- 260056 EX Pedagogics of excursions
Free Optional and Other Courses
- 260019 VO Methods of experimental quantum optics
- 260034 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus I
- 260168 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists I
- 260222 VO How can I explain it to my young students?
- 260264 VO+SE Physics for Every Day Life - What role does physics play in every day activities?
- 260055 SE Tutorial for women in physics
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260074 SE The pedagogical use of computers in physics education - Based on results from physics education research, case studies of the lecturer, didactics of media and psychology of learning examples will be adressed focusing on the potential of digital media. Specifically topics from the field of mechanics, electricity and optics will be covered. The computer will be used as a tool for collecting and evaluating data as well as for modeling and simulations.
- 260079 SE Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260113 SE Preparation of classroom teaching for student teachers in physics
- 260147 SE [ de en ] Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260344 SE Didactics of Optics
- 260248 SE Multimedia in Physics-Teaching
- 260215 SE Teaching Methodology - Teaching with "hands-on-exhibits" I, Practicum
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260225 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists I
- 260256 PR Consolidation of physics teaching: Free hand experiments
- 260008 SE Seminar for PhD Students and Diploma Students - Research in physics aducation
- 260302 IK To do Science - in Physics
- 260303 IK To do Science - in Biology
- 260304 IK Case Studies concerning Cognition by Means of Science
- 260305 VO Scientific Method and Cognition
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
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http://ssc-physik.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/SSC/ssc_physik/Formulare/UF_Physik/ErsetzungenLA-3.pdfInformationen zur "Pädagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Berufsvorbildung" und für die "Schulpraktische Ausbildung" (Pädagogisches Praktikum) und zur Online-Anmeldung zu den Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie unter: http://ssc-philbild.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=lehrerinnenbildungInformationen zur Nutzung des Anmeldesystems unter: http://studieren.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1334