Universität Wien

19.01. Education

19.01. Pedagogy

On October 1st, 2002, the new curriculum "Studienplan Pädagogik 2002" (UniStG) was introduced. The new curriculum applies exclusively to all students who have registered since winter semester 2002/2003.

Where to get important information:

1. in the "orientation lecture" for beginners and advanced students on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007, 10 - 12 a.m., HS 33 (main building)
2. on our homepage


there you will find among other things:
" Pedagogy curriculum 2002 (as well as information on the curriculum)
" Synopses curriculum "old" (1986) - "new" (2002)
" Regulations for transfer from curriculum 1986 to curriculum 2002
" Information on "free elective courses"
" Registration to tutorials, proseminars and seminars
" Responsibilities of the Studienprogrammleitung (SPL)

Please note:

" The former field of specialization "Occupational Pedagogics" merged with the former field of specialization "Adult Education" and they were transformed to the field of specialization "Education and Advanced Education" on the 1.10.2006. Please consider the advices on the homepage of the Department of Educational Science.
" Examples for free elective courses are listed in section "3. Free Elective Courses". In any case, please read the advices by the Department of Educational Science.

If the list shows no courses related to specific examination subjects, courses are offered every second semester only. A respective course will be offered in the following semester.

A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Education

Orientation Phase

Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences

Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences

Module-examination StEOP1 (10 ECTS)

Education, Teaching and Learning

Education, Teaching and Learning
Education, Teaching and Learning

Module-examination StEOP2 (5 ECTS)

2. Group of Compulsory Modules (PMG)

PMG 1: Theory of Educational Science

BM2 Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline
BM 3 Education and Anthropology

PFMG 2: Education, Society and Individual

BM4 Education and the Historic Dimension
BM5 Education and Policy
BM6 Individual and Development

PMG 3: Methodology and Methods of Education

BM7 Philosophy of Science in Education
BM8 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I
BM9 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II

3. Major Field I-IV

Major Field I: Education in Transition

BM10 Theory Practice Transformation
BM11 Concepts and Constructions of Humans
BM12 Education and Culture

Major Field II: Teaching and Learning

BM13 General Didactics
BM14 Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science
BM15 History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria

Major Field III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education

BM16 Special Needs and Inclusive Education
BM17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy
BM18 Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need

Major Field IV: Education, Biography and Age

BM19 Consultation and Personality Development
BM20 Biography and Age
BM21 Society and Social Change

4. further required module

BM22 Philosophy of Educational Science

4. Research

BM23 Research Practicum

BM24 Bachelor's Paper I

BM25 Bachelor's Paper II

B. Master's Degree Programme Education

a) Group of Compulsory Modules

M1 Education as an Academic Discipline

M2 Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods

M3Theory of Educational Science

M3a Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change
M3b Theory of Educational Science II: Curriculum and Instructions
M3c Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education
M3d Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development

b) Alternative Compulsory Modules

APM-M4 Education and Change

M4.1 Development and Change of Educational Theories
M4.2 Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media
M4.3 Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education
M4.4 Ethic Challenges in Education

APM-M5 Curriculum and Instructions

M5.1 School and Education Research
M5.2 Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions
M5.3 Planning, Evaluation and Assessment in Education
M5.4 Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning

APM-M6 Special Needs and Inclusive Education

M6.1 Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage
"M6.2 Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behaviour, Cognition, Language and Social-Emotional Development"
M6.3 Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs

APM-M7 Education, Counseling and Human Development

M7.1 Education, Biography and Age
M7.2 Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality
M7.3 Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy

c) Elective Modules

WM-M8 Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison

WM-M9 Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media

WM-M10 Special Ethical Questions

WM-M11 Anthropology and Pedagogy

WM-M12 Education ¿ Alterity ¿ Cultur(alism)

WM-M13 Education, Socialisation and Society

WM-M14 Education and Gender

WM-M15 Consultation and Consultation Research

WM-M16 Science Practicum

d) Master's Thesis: Seminar

M16a Master's Thesis: Seminar

C. Diploma Programme Pedagogy

1. Introductory Phase (7 SST) 14 CP

1.1. Introduction to the Subject and Fields of Work of Pedagogy as Science (VO+KO/VO+UE - 2 SST) (4 CP)

1.2. Introduction to the Methods of Scientific Educational Thinking (VO+UE/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)

1.3. Introduction to Basic Forms and Techniques of Scientific Educational Work (VO+UE/PS - 3 SST) (6 CP)

2. Compulsory Courses I (33 SST) 66 CP

2.1. The Subject of Pedagogy I (9 SST) (18CP)

2.1.1. System Tests of Pedagogy (VO+KO/PS - 3 SST) (6 CP)
2.1.2. Historical and Comparative Perspectives of Educational Science (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.1.3. Anthropological Questions in Pedagogy (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.1.4. Disciplinary Identity in Educational Science (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)

2.2. Methods - Methodology I (12 SST) (24 CP)

2.2.1. Basics: Qualitative Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
2.2.2. Basics: Quantitative Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
2.2.3. Basics: Philosophical Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)

2.3. Theories on the Analysis of Pedagogical Phenomena I (8SST) (16 CP)

2.3.1. Theories on Society and its Institutions (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4CP)
2.3.2. Theories on Interaction resp. Communication (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.3.3. Theories on the Individual (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.3.4. Didactic Theories (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)

2.4. Pedagogical Fields of Work (Elective Courses - Specialization) (VO 4 SST) (8 CP)

2.4.1. Introduction to Theoretical Educational Science (VO 4 SST) (8 CP)
2.4.2. Introduction to Media Education (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.3. Introduction to Education and Advanced Education Research (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.4. The former "Occupational Pedagogics" merged with the "Adult Education" and they were transformed to "Education and Advanced Education Research" on the 1.10.2006
2.4.5. Introduction to Occupational Rehabilitation (VO+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.6. Introduction to Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.7. Introduction to Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.8. Introduction to Social Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.9. Introduction to School Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.10. Introduction to Project Studies (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)

3. Free Elective Courses (48 SST) 66 CP

4. Compulsory Courses II (8 SST) 16 CP

4.1. The Subject of Pedagogy II - Educational Theory and Philosophy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)

4.2. Methods - Methodology II - Specialization in One Method (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)

4.3. Theories on the Analysis of Pedagogical Phenomena II - Specialization in One Analytical Theory (SE/VO- 2 SST) (4 CP)

4.4. Practical Concepts - Courses on Practical Concepts in Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4CP)

5. Specialization Areas (Elective Courses) (12 SST)

5.1. Theoretical Educational Science (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.1.1. Constitution Problems of Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.2. History of Problems resp. History of Science (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.3. Pedagogical Construction of Theories with Relation to Practice (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.4. The Pedagogical "Construction" of Man (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.5. Educational Theory (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4CP)
5.1.6. Philosophical Methods in Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)

5.2. Media Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.2.1. Constitution Problems of Media Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.2.2. Media and Education (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.2.3. Media Didactics (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.2.4. Pedagogical Tasks Concerning Special Media (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)

5.3. Education and Advanced Education Research (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.3.1. Anthropological and Theoretical Education Basics and Models for Analysis of Lifelong Learning Including Occupational Learning Processes (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.3.2. Theories on Developing Didactic-Methodical Settings to Support Education-Centred Learning during Training and Advanced Training (SE/VO - 2-4 SST)
5.3.3. Institutional Forms in Education and Advanced Education: History, Legal Basics, Current Developments and Theories on their Analysis and Progression (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8
5.3.4. Methods for Identification and Handling of Research Questions in the Area of Education and Advanced Education (SE+EX/SE - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)

5.4. The former "Occupational Pedagogics" merged with the "Adult Education" and they were transformed to "Education and Advanced Education Research" on the 1.10.2006

5.5. Occupational Rehabilitation (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.5.1. Basics of Occupational Rehabilitation and Prevention (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.5.2. Assessment, Counselling, Training in Occupational Rehabilitation (SE - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.5.3. Evaluation and Methods in Rehabilitation Research (SE/UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
5.5.4. Fields of Practice in Occupational Rehabilitation (SE+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)

5.6. Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.6.1. Basics, Developments and Practice in Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.2. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Theories for the Analysis of Developing Processes and Problems (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.3. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection I: Diagnostics and Indication (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.4. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection II: Psychotherapy, Counselling and Supervision (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.5. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection III
5.6.6. Research Methods in Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)

5.7. Orthopedagoy and Integrative Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.7.1. Basics and Self-Conception of Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.7.2. Models for Analysis of Therapeutic and Integration-Pedagogic Phenomena and Issues (SE/VO -2 SST) (4 CP)
5.7.3. Diagnostics and Counselling in Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4CP)
5.7.4. Practical Concepts for Disability-Specific Educational Needs (SE+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.7.5. Research Methods in Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.7.6. Specialization in One Subject (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)

5.8. Social Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.8.1. Generations (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.8.2. Interculturality (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.8.3 Poverty (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.8.4. Normality Balance (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 SP)

5.9. School Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.9.1. School Theory/School Organization/School Development (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.9.2. Didactics/Lessons/Curriculum (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.9.3. Evaluation/Performance Measurement/Diagnostics (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.9.4. Historical and/or Comparative Perspectives of School Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)

5.10. Project Studies (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.10.1. Project Studies "Genderstudies" (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.10.2. Project Studies "Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy" (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.10.3. Project Studies "Higher Education Research and Academic Communication" (12 SST) (24 CP)

5.11. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (2 SST) (4 CP)

5.12. Practice Seminar (2 SST) (4 CP)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37