Directorate of Studies 8 - History of Art and Architecture - European Ethnology
8.01 Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Art History (Version 2011)
Orientation Period
BM 1 Introductory Course Art History
- 080117 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: General Introduction
BM 2 Introduction to Art History I
- 080063 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Iconography
BM 3 Introduction to Art History II
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung II
- 080025 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
Study Period
BM 4 Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period)
BM 5 Medieval Age II (Gothic and Late Gothic Periods)
BM 6 Renaissance and Baroque Periods
- 080047 VO Renaissance and Baroque
BM 7 Modern and Contemporary Periods
BM 8 Case Study I
- 080023 PS Case Study I: Burgher Churches of the Late Middle Ages: Space, Image, Liturgy
- 080031 PS Case Study I: Maria Lassnig
- 080070 PS Case Study I: What is Byzantine Art?
- 080073 PS Case Study I: Viennese Architecture of the Ringstrasse Era
- 080102 PS Case Study I: The Preraphaelites. 19th Century Perspectives on Raffael
- 080107 PS Case Study: Jackson Pollock and Abstract Expressionism
BM 9 Case Study II
- 080020 PS Case Study: Italian Baroque Painting in the KHM
- 080041 PS Case Study: Rembrandt's Etchings
- 080042 PS Case Study: Flemish Baroque Painting in Viennese Collections - (KHM, Akademie der Bildenden Künste und Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein)
- 080044 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Across the Strait of Gibraltar: Western Islamic Art in the Middle Ages - Late Antiquity and the Rise of Islamic Art
- 080054 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Between Reality and Myth: Bagdad as an Artistic Capital of Medieval Islam
- 080072 PS Case Study II/III: Gothic Cathedral Facades
- 080078 PS Case Study: Relics and Reliquiare in Byzantium: From their Origins to 1204
- 080081 PS Case Study II/III: Giambologna and bronze sculpture in southern Germany around 1600 (n./zeu.K.)
- 080094 PS Case Study II/III: From "Company Painting" to "Progressive Art" - Indian Art during the Colonial Times
- 080100 PS Case Study II/III: Picturing Terror - Terrorism in Media Discourse and Art
BM 10 Case Study III
- 080020 PS Case Study: Italian Baroque Painting in the KHM
- 080041 PS Case Study: Rembrandt's Etchings
- 080042 PS Case Study: Flemish Baroque Painting in Viennese Collections - (KHM, Akademie der Bildenden Künste und Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein)
- 080044 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Across the Strait of Gibraltar: Western Islamic Art in the Middle Ages - Late Antiquity and the Rise of Islamic Art
- 080054 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Between Reality and Myth: Bagdad as an Artistic Capital of Medieval Islam
- 080072 PS Case Study II/III: Gothic Cathedral Facades
- 080078 PS Case Study: Relics and Reliquiare in Byzantium: From their Origins to 1204
- 080081 PS Case Study II/III: Giambologna and bronze sculpture in southern Germany around 1600 (n./zeu.K.)
- 080094 PS Case Study II/III: From "Company Painting" to "Progressive Art" - Indian Art during the Colonial Times
- 080100 PS Case Study II/III: Picturing Terror - Terrorism in Media Discourse and Art
BM 11 Special Topics A
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
BM 12 Special Topics B
- 080085 UE Byzantine Ceramics
- 080098 UE Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art
BM 13 Methods/Theories in Art History
BM 14 Fields of Practice in Art History
- 080034 UE Exercises in Building Research and Building Archaeology
- 080071 UE Introduction into Historical Scholarship for Art Historians
- 080079 UE Fields of Practice in Art History - Ein praxisorientierter Einstieg in ein kunsthistorisches Berufsfeld
BM 15 Individual Specialisation
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
Final Stage
BM 16 Art in Vienna
- 080030 EX Art in Vienna
- 080035 EX Art in Vienna
- 080043 EX [ en ] Art in Vienna
- 080061 EX Art in Vienna
BM 17 Seminar and Bachelor's Project I
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
BM 18 Seminar and Bachelor's Project II
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
B. Master Degree Programme in Art History
M 1: Specialisation I
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
M 2: Specialisation II
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
M 3: Excursion within Austria
- 080032 EX Excursion: Lower Austria
M 4: Excursion Abroad
- 080018 EX Field Trip: Florence
M 5: Master-Preparation-Tool
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080040 SE Research Seminar
- 080045 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080048 SE Research Seminar
- 080053 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080059 SE Research Seminar
- 080064 SE Research Seminar
- 080066 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080084 SE Research Seminar
- 080095 SE Research Seminar
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080103 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
M 6: Fields of Practice in Art History
- 080034 UE Exercises in Building Research and Building Archaeology
- 080071 UE Introduction into Historical Scholarship for Art Historians
- 080079 UE Fields of Practice in Art History - Ein praxisorientierter Einstieg in ein kunsthistorisches Berufsfeld
M 7: Method/Theory
M 8: Specialisation Art History
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080057 UE Disruptions Interactions Influences - Positions in Photography from 1880 to 1930
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
- 080098 UE Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art
M 9: Individual Focus
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
- 080098 UE Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art
M 11: Research Seminar
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080040 SE Research Seminar
- 080045 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080048 SE Research Seminar
- 080053 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080059 SE Research Seminar
- 080064 SE Research Seminar
- 080066 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080084 SE Research Seminar
- 080095 SE Research Seminar
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080103 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
Information on Complementary Courses from Other Departments
- 010047 SE Liturgical Symbols
- 070001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070038 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070087 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Österreichbegriffe und Österreichkonstruktionen vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart"
- 070101 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung
- 070110 VO Lecture (PM4) - Genozide im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070147 VO History of Church Administration and Canon Law
- 070154 VO Numismatics
- 070159 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070175 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Identität und Ressentiment. Vom Alltagskonflikt zur offenen Gewalt"
- 070178 VO Modern Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070186 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung
- 070229 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung
- 070231 VO Lecture (PM4) - Reading the Past
- 070236 VO Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
- 070241 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Rise and Descent of the British Empire, 1500-2000
- 070242 VO Lecture (PM4) - The beginnings of the society of control: Discourse networks and spaces of power in modern history
- 070244 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Britain in the 20th Century
- 070248 VO Lecture (PM4) - Das Zeitalter des "Imperialismus" 1871-1914
- 070260 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung - Introduction into historical and cultural European studies
- 070268 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung - Einführung in den Schwerpunkt Osteuropäische Geschichte
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte der Psychoanalyse: Weiterentwicklungen und Einfluss auf die Sozialwissenschaften nach 1945
- 070272 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung
- 070275 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Medieval Field - Key issues in the historiography of the Middle Ages
- 070313 VO Lecture (PM4) - Österr. Kolonialpolitik im 19. und beginnenden 20. Jh.
C. Complementary Study Programme (Minor) - Basics of Art History
- 080025 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080063 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Iconography
1. Introduction to Art History
- 080025 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080063 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Iconography
2. Periods in Art History I, II, III or IV
- 080047 VO Renaissance and Baroque
3. Periods in Art History I, II, III or IV
- 080047 VO Renaissance and Baroque
D: Complementary Study Programme (Minor) - Focus in Art History
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080008 VO "In the Beginning was the Eye" - Styl Analysis in the Canon of Methods
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
E. Doktoratsstudium NEU
8.02. European Ethnology
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in European Ethnoloy (Version 2011)
Orientation Period - StEOP
- 080090 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: B110 Introduction to European Ethnology
- 080091 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: B120 Introduction to European Ethnology
- 080096 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: B130 Scientific Working and Writing
Study Period
BM 2 Fields of Research
- 080015 PS B210 Fields of Research
- 080021 UE+EX B220 EX + UE Fields of Research: in the city. Explorations on the center of Vienna
- 080016 VO-L B230 Special Fields: Migration Studies
BM 3 Empirical Techniques
- 080024 PS B310 Ethnographic Research
- 080019 UE B320 UE Historical methods
- 080012 VO+UE B330 Special Methods: Mobility and Methodology - Approaches and Perspectives of Movement-Oriented Cultural Analysis
BM 4 Cultural Theories
- 080026 PS B410 Theories of Culture
- 080033 LK B420 Reading Course Cultural Theory: "The Body in Society"
- 080006 VO-L B430 Special Theories: Symmetrical Anthropology
BM 5 Culture and Habitat
- 080011 SE B510 Culture and Habitat: "Urban Block. Viennese Housing Estates in the 20th and 21st Century"
- 080069 VO+UE B520 Culture and Habitat: Fear of the Turks. - The construction of "Fear of the Turks" and "Othering" through the Habsburger. An example of history of mentalities.
BM 6 Culture and Society
- 080014 SE B610 Culture and Society: Ceremonies, Celebrations, Events: Introduction to Theory and Fieldwork
- 080005 VO+UE B620 Culture and Society: "Wasteland - Culture of shortage (Mountains - Heather - Moor)"
BM 7 Occupational Field
- 080101 SE B710 Applied Cultural Studies: Understanding & Performing Documentary - Documentary Film Lab about "Smart Cities"
- 080088 VO-L B720 Forms and Formats of Transmission: Practices and Policies of Literacy
Final Stage
BM 8 Bachelor
- 080077 SE B810 Bachelor
B. Master Degree Programme in European Ethnology
Modul 1: Representations I
Modul 2: Culture - History - Habitat
- 080092 SE M210: Culture-History-Habitat: Region
Modul 3: Culture - History - Society
- 080009 VO+UE M320: Mobilities
Modul 4: Cultures of Knowledge - Ethnography - Disciplinarity
- 080060 SE M410: Science Studies - Ethnography: "I have (had) a Dream. Private Housebuilding and Narrating" - Der Hausbau und das Erzählen darüber.
Modul 5: Representations II
Modul 6: Research
- 080013 PJ Project of Research II:
Modul 7: Master
- 080133 MK Master Course of Lectures - PhD Colloquium
- 080010 IK M720 Colloquium: Downtown Vienna. Watching the city
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
CSP European Ethnology - Basics of European Ethnology
- 080006 VO-L B430 Special Theories: Symmetrical Anthropology
- 080012 VO+UE B330 Special Methods: Mobility and Methodology - Approaches and Perspectives of Movement-Oriented Cultural Analysis
- 080016 VO-L B230 Special Fields: Migration Studies
- 080090 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: B110 Introduction to European Ethnology
CSP European Ethnology - Cultural Analysis of everday life
- 080005 VO+UE B620 Culture and Society: "Wasteland - Culture of shortage (Mountains - Heather - Moor)"
- 080069 VO+UE B520 Culture and Habitat: Fear of the Turks. - The construction of "Fear of the Turks" and "Othering" through the Habsburger. An example of history of mentalities.
- 080088 VO-L B720 Forms and Formats of Transmission: Practices and Policies of Literacy
E. Doctoral Degree Programme
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39