II. Biochemistry
- 270007 UE Computers in Biological Chemistry
- 270057 VO [ en ] Molecular Structure Prediction in Chemistry and Biology
- 270069 VO Informatische Grundlagen für Chemie und Biologie
- 270070 VO Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers
- 270076 UE Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers A - Laboratory Course: Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers A
- 270079 VO Biomolecular Nanotechnology
- 270102 UE Computer course for bioinformatic problems in chemistry and biology
- 270107 VO Stereoselective Drug Analysis (and clinical applications)
- 270122 UE Practical course: Mass Spectrometry - in organic and bioanalytical chemistry
- 270137 VO NMR-Spektroskopie von Biomolekülen - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270189 SE Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C - Protein Biochemistry
- 270190 UE Laboratory Course: Molecular Biology Techniques
- 270194 VO Molecular Cell Biology - for Chemistry Students
- 270195 SE Molecular Biology Techniques - Seminar
- 270196 VO Analytics of Biopolymers - in Proteome Research and Biotechnology
- 270251 VO Biophysical Chemistry of membranes - Biomembranen; Aufbau, elektrische Eigenschaften und Stofftransport
- 270256 UE Forschungsbeispiel in Biophysikalischer Chemie
- 270278 VO+SE [ en ] Genetik für Chemiker - Einführung und -Prinzipien der genetischen Analyse für Chemiker
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods
1. Required Modules
- 270062 VO Food Chemistry I
2. Elective Modules
2.1. Chemical Biology
- 270119 UE Separation techniques - mass spectrometry
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270165 VO Lipidchemistry - basics, analytical and biological aspects
- 270222 UE Laboratory Course - Specialized synthetical chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysikalisches Seminar
2.2. Food Chemistry
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270055 VO Food processing
- 270077 VO Chemical foodstuff analysis I
- 270155 UE Exercises in Food Chemistry B
- 270196 VO Analytics of Biopolymers - in Proteome Research and Biotechnology
- 270221 VO Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
- 270276 VO Food Chemistry - Fats, protein and carbohydrate containing foods
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35