Universität Wien

A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Education

Informationen zum Bachelorstudium Bildungswissenschaft finden Sie auf der Homepage:

Eine Orientierungslehrveranstaltung findet am Montag, 2.3.2009 um 12:30 Uhr im HS 33, für Studierende des Bachelorstudiums (und für andere InteressentInnen)statt, die folgenden Themen gewidmet ist:

- Informationen über das Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
- Informationen über das Bachelorstudium
- Aufgabenverteilung der Studienprogrammleitung (SPL)

Sie sind gebeten, im Vorfeld der Orientierungslehrveranstaltung die Informationen auf der Homepage http://studienservicecenter.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1256&no_cache=1
zu lesen.

190077 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Mind the gap, please... - relating theory an evidence in educational research
190873 VO Foundations of education as an academic discipline - Disciplinary Identity
190056 VO Education and Anthropology - Images of man and social pedagogics
190874 VO Education and anthropology - Deutungsmuster Jugend und Kultur
190875 PS Education and anthropology - Anthropological Dimensions of educational science - with special reference to historical approaches
190069 PS Education and Policy - Theories of Society and Social Institutions
190169 PS Education and Policy - School reform and how to go about it? Educational change and school improvement oscillating between science, politics and praxis
190261 PS Education and Policy - Human rights education and politics
190743 VO Education and Policy - Vocational training beween economics and subject-orientation
190208 PS Individual and Development - The impact of conseling on the development of children and adolescents. From a psychoanalytic print of view.
190247 PS Individual and development - Developmental theories of early childhood
190881 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 1 - Hermeneutics and critical Methods
190883 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 2 - Hermeneutics and critical Methods
190176 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II ¿ Part 2 - Fundamentals of qualitative research practice 2. Descriptive data analysis - theory, methods and practical application
190260 PS Education and Culture - Basic questions about education of our time. Mollenhauer or the search for a "minimal canon" of problems
190547 VO Theory practice transformation - Educational Sciences: A Discipline in between Theory and Practice?
190892 VO History of the education, with special consideration of Austria - Pedagogical Ambitions under historical perspective. Considerations on the History of Education in Austria
190889 VO BM15 Modelle und Methoden international vergleichender Schul- und Bildungsforschung - School systems in international comparison - An introduction to Comparative Education with special attention to the upper secondary stage of education
190046 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Basics of vocational Rehabilitation, Integration and Participation
190288 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Disability in public space
190946 PS Consultation, diagnostics, rehabilitation and therapy - in special and remedial education
190072 VO Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Deaf education - an introduction
190487 VO Consultation and Personality Development - psychoanalytic perspective
190488 VO Consultation and Personality Development - person-centered and humanistic perspective
190030 VO Society and Social Change - Dissocial behavior and socialization
190903 SE Research practicum - Schools and their capacities
190904 SE Research practicum - practical course: educational game studies
190029 SE Bachelor's Paper I - School as an issue of school in Austrian primers from late 18th century until today
190905 SE Bachelor's work I - Mediation of knowledge outside from educational institutions

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35