2.1. Required Courses
- 270032 VO Food Chemistry I
- 330016 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
- 330039 VO Introduction to Food Law
- 330047 VO Pathological Physiology
- 330049 VO Food Technology
- 330050 UE Lab Course of Analytical Food Chemistry
- 330055 VO Food Toxicology
- 330057 VO Basics in Nutrition: Micronutrients and Secondary Plant Ingredients
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330060 SE [ en ] Seminar Human Nutrition (for Moduls MN1, FQ1, EP1, PH1)
- 330062 VO Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences,Genetics and Molecular Mechanism in Nutrition
- 330071 VO Food chemistry - Zusatzvorlesung für Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330077 VO Analytical Chemistry
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology II
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36