- 190006 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice
- 190079 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Erziehung und Bildung als Einflussfaktoren für Emanzipation, am Beispiel von Theodor W. Adorno
- 190083 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - The concept of education between the priorites of theory and empiricism
- 190100 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - with particular reference to the interdisciplinary relationship between psychoanalysis and science education
- 190138 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - reading and writing scientific textes by using the example of learning discource
- 190153 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - basic ideas and methods of educational science
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37