2.2.2. Optional Subjects "Food Production and Technology"
- 330025 VO Cereal Technology
- 330026 VO Processing Fruits and Vegetables - (siehe unter Ankündigungen der BOKU Wien und Aushänge im Institut)
- 330083 UE Sensory Evaluation of Foods (practice) "Psychology of Nutrition/Nutrition Education"
- 330006 VO+SE Methodology of Nutrition Counselling - Beratungsmethodik und Fallbeispiele der Ernährungsberatung
- 330017 VO Consumer Policy & Consumer Protection "Nutrition and the Environment"
- 330064 VO Global Nutrition
- 330094 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries "Nutrition Economy"
- 330070 VO Marketing and Sales Research
- 330007 VO+SE Theory of Consumer Behaviour
- 330017 VO Consumer Policy & Consumer Protection
- 330100 VO Nutrition Economy
- 330064 VO Global Nutrition
- 330094 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34