SPL 27 - Chemistry
27.01. Chemistry
A. Bachelor Programme Chemistry
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270027 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270030 VO Inorganic Chemistry II
- 270035 VO+UE Calculation methods in Physical Chemistry
- 270092 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270101 UE Practice in Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry - -Instrumental Methods
- 270140 PR Laboratory practice in physical chemistry
- 270146 UE Exercises in Theoretical Chemistry
- 270148 VO Physical Chemistry III - Physical Chemistry of condensed materials (macromolecular chemistry and structural chemistry)
- 270152 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I
- 270158 PR Advanced Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry - and Proseminar
- 270164 PR Lab course Inorganic Chemistry
- 270175 UE Lab Course: Basic Techniques in Biochemistry - for Chemistry Students
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO [ de en ] Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
- 270238 VO Biological Chemistry II
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
- 270302 VO [ en ] Biology for chemists
- 270312 VO Food Toxicology
B. Masterstudien
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science
- 270270 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
- 270288 VO Cell and membrane biophysical chemistry
I. Chemistry
- 270025 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science
- 270270 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
- 270288 VO Cell and membrane biophysical chemistry
1. Wahlmodulgruppen
- 270004 UE Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics
- 270036 VO Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270037 VO Cheminformatics
- 270038 UE Computer Course for Cheminformatics
- 270039 PR Computer Course for Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270116 VO [ en ] Femtochemistry: A theoretical overview
- 270120 VO+UE Computational Methods of Quantum Chemistry - - with Computer Examples
- 270258 SE Current aspects of Radiochemistry incl. Excursion
1.1. Anorganische Chemie
- 270032 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer for NeuroImaging
- 270088 VO Synthetic Methods in Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Syntheses and Structure of Materials (Modul AC-5)
- 270187 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270192 VO Environmental Chemistry, Lecture
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270209 PR Environmental chemistry lab course including scientific fieldwork
- 270220 SE Current aspects of Environmental Chemistry
- 270258 SE Current aspects of Radiochemistry incl. Excursion
1.2. Analytische Chemie
- 270040 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270046 VO Environmental Chemical Analysis I - Set of Problems and Approaches
- 270048 UE Chemical analysis of environmentally relevant substances
- 270059 VO Characterisation of biological samples and systems by chromatography and mass spectrometry - Current chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods coming from proteomics, metabolomics and analytical/forensic toxicology
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270068 UE Chromatographic techniques for analysis of bioactive compounds
- 270069 VO Selectivity concepts in modern environmental analysis - a challenge between selective sample preparation and modern mass spectrometry
- 270074 VO Multivariate Measuring Science in Analytical Chemistry
- 270079 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Analytical Measuring Sciences
- 270081 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Surface Analytics
- 270091 UE Course on Environmental Analysis
- 270104 SE Seminar for the subject Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270114 UE Practical Course in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270122 UE Practical Course in Analytical Chemistry: Mass Spectrometry
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270184 UE Analysis of bioacative substances
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270228 VO Electrophoretic separation methods
- 270240 VO Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships and their Application in Separation Science
- 270264 VO Measurement technology and data acquisition in analytical chemistry
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
1.3. Biologische Chemie
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270014 VO Methods in NMR Spectroscopy - Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
- 270021 SE Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy - Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
- 270151 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry III - bioorganic chemistry
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270226 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270274 UE Computer laboratory: Computersimulation of Biomolecules
- 270275 VO Computer Simulation of Biomolecules
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
1.4. Lebensmittelchemie
- 270053 VO Food additives, contaminants, unhealthy compounds in foods
- 270070 VO Safety and quality of food
- 270087 SE Topics in food analysis
- 270215 VO Bioactive Compounds in Foods - Protective and Risk Factors for Humans
- 270222 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270250 VO Drinking water and beverages
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
1.5. Materialchemie
- 270234 UE+VO Computers in materials chemistry - UNIX (LINUX), graphics, test processing with LATEX, creation of homepages with HTML
1.6. Organische Chemie
- 270041 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270043 VO Transition Metal Complexes in Organic - Transition Metal Complexes in Organic Synthesis II
- 270085 VO NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270131 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-4 - metalorganic and elementorganic chemistry
- 270136 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270151 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry III - bioorganic chemistry
- 270154 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry 1 - synthetic organic chemistry
- 270196 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
- 270197 VO Stereochemistry
- 270226 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270239 VO Combined Application of NMR-, MS- and IR-Spectroscopy to Structure Elucidation Problems
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270317 VO Natural Product Synthesis - Efficiency in Natural Product Synthesis
1.7. Physikalische Chemie
- 270026 SE [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270234 UE+VO Computers in materials chemistry - UNIX (LINUX), graphics, test processing with LATEX, creation of homepages with HTML
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials
- 270271 VO Femtochemistry
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270294 UE [ de en ] Research project in Femto- and Nano-Science
- 270295 VO [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
1.8. Theoretische Chemie und Spektroskopie
- 270085 VO NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270136 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270161 VO Laser spectroscopy - Laser spectroscopy
II. Biologische Chemie
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270031 SE+UE Biochemistry Laboratory Course D (Cell Biology)
- 270034 UE Algorithmen und Programmentwicklung für die Biologische Chemie
- 270189 SE Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C - (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry Students
1. Pflichtmodule
- 270033 VO Mathematics for Biological Chemists
- 270050 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics for Biol.Chemists
- 270051 UE Computational Course for Biol.Chemists
- 300707 VO [ en ] Modellorganisms
2. Wahlmodule
- 270070 VO Safety and quality of food
2.1. Chemische Biologie
- 270014 VO Methods in NMR Spectroscopy - Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
- 270021 SE Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy - Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
- 270059 VO Characterisation of biological samples and systems by chromatography and mass spectrometry - Current chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods coming from proteomics, metabolomics and analytical/forensic toxicology
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270068 UE Chromatographic techniques for analysis of bioactive compounds
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270122 UE Practical Course in Analytical Chemistry: Mass Spectrometry
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270151 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry III - bioorganic chemistry
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270226 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270247 VO [ en ] X-Ray Diffraction Methods - X-Ray Diffraction Methods
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
- 300584 UE Molecular Biology Laboratory Course III (Cell Biology)
2.2. Lebensmittelchemie
- 270053 VO Food additives, contaminants, unhealthy compounds in foods
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270068 UE Chromatographic techniques for analysis of bioactive compounds
- 270087 SE Topics in food analysis
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270215 VO Bioactive Compounds in Foods - Protective and Risk Factors for Humans
- 270222 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270250 VO Drinking water and beverages
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
27.02. Diploma Programme Chemistry
1. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270027 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270092 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270101 UE Practice in Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry - -Instrumental Methods
- 270111 SE Proseminar for Organic Chemistry I
- 270146 UE Exercises in Theoretical Chemistry
- 270158 PR Advanced Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry - and Proseminar
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Analytical Chemistry
- 270040 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270046 VO Environmental Chemical Analysis I - Set of Problems and Approaches
- 270048 UE Chemical analysis of environmentally relevant substances
- 270059 VO Characterisation of biological samples and systems by chromatography and mass spectrometry - Current chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods coming from proteomics, metabolomics and analytical/forensic toxicology
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270068 UE Chromatographic techniques for analysis of bioactive compounds
- 270069 VO Selectivity concepts in modern environmental analysis - a challenge between selective sample preparation and modern mass spectrometry
- 270074 VO Multivariate Measuring Science in Analytical Chemistry
- 270079 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Analytical Measuring Sciences
- 270081 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Surface Analytics
- 270087 SE Topics in food analysis
- 270091 UE Course on Environmental Analysis
- 270104 SE Seminar for the subject Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270114 UE Practical Course in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270122 UE Practical Course in Analytical Chemistry: Mass Spectrometry
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270184 UE Analysis of bioacative substances
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270228 VO Electrophoretic separation methods
- 270240 VO Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships and their Application in Separation Science
- 270250 VO Drinking water and beverages
- 270264 VO Measurement technology and data acquisition in analytical chemistry
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
2.2. Inorganic Chemistry
- 270032 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer for NeuroImaging
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Syntheses and Structure of Materials (Modul AC-5)
- 270153 UE Practical exercises on literature research - Practical exercises on computer assisted literature research for natural scientists
- 270187 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270192 VO Environmental Chemistry, Lecture
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270209 PR Environmental chemistry lab course including scientific fieldwork
- 270220 SE Current aspects of Environmental Chemistry
- 270270 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
2.3. Biochemistry
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270056 SE Working techniques in protein biochemistry
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270189 SE Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C - (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry Students
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Selected Topics
- 270293 VO Pathobiochemistry
- 270296 VO Molecular biology of Plant VI - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 270302 VO [ en ] Biology for chemists
- 300507 VO [ en ] Structure and Function of Proteins
2.4. Food Chemistry
- 270053 VO Food additives, contaminants, unhealthy compounds in foods
- 270222 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
2.5. Material Chemistry
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 270025 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270026 SE [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Syntheses and Structure of Materials (Modul AC-5)
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270157 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270165 PR Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270180 SE Seminar on theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270182 VO Fundamentals of modern polymer materials
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials
- 270271 VO Femtochemistry
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270294 UE [ de en ] Research project in Femto- and Nano-Science
- 270295 VO [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270301 VO Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties - Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
2.6. Organic Chemistry
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270041 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270043 VO Transition Metal Complexes in Organic - Transition Metal Complexes in Organic Synthesis II
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research
- 270239 VO Combined Application of NMR-, MS- and IR-Spectroscopy to Structure Elucidation Problems
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270317 VO Natural Product Synthesis - Efficiency in Natural Product Synthesis
2.7. Physical Chemistry
- 260060 PR Laboratory Materials Physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 270025 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270026 SE [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270165 PR Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270180 SE Seminar on theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270182 VO Fundamentals of modern polymer materials
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials
- 270271 VO Femtochemistry
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270294 UE [ de en ] Research project in Femto- and Nano-Science
- 270295 VO [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270301 VO Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties - Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
2.8. Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases
- 270014 VO Methods in NMR Spectroscopy - Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
- 270021 SE Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy - Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
- 270041 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270159 VO Photochemistry and Photophysik
- 270161 VO Laser spectroscopy - Laser spectroscopy
- 270239 VO Combined Application of NMR-, MS- and IR-Spectroscopy to Structure Elucidation Problems
- 270271 VO Femtochemistry
- 300588 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 300689 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
27.03. Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270188 UE Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry for students for teaching posts - Lab course
1. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270111 SE Proseminar for Organic Chemistry I
- 270152 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I
- 270162 SE Introduction into school routine - for students of "Chemistry (Teacher accreditions programm)"
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270040 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270046 VO Environmental Chemical Analysis I - Set of Problems and Approaches
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270166 SE Seminar for chemistry teaching
- 270167 VO+UE Class room experiments in chemistry - in general and inorganic chemistry
- 270168 UE Chemical Teachers Experiments in Organic Chemistry
- 270172 PU Tutorial (Teacher accreditions programm)
- 270174 VO Selected chapters of chemistry - -students of lectureship and biologists
- 270176 SE Modern themes in Biochemistry - -biochemistry current
- 270177 VO Theoretical Chemistry for Teacher Accreditation
- 270181 VO Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers - -Chemistry
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology
- 270205 SE Special Didactics Physics/Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270228 VO Electrophoretic separation methods
- 270240 VO Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships and their Application in Separation Science
- 270264 VO Measurement technology and data acquisition in analytical chemistry
- 270270 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
- 270288 VO Cell and membrane biophysical chemistry
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
- 270309 VO Didactics of Chemistry
- 270312 VO Food Toxicology
27.04. Doctoral Programme Chemistry
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials
- 260027 SE Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials - Present progress of the Initiative College "Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials"
- 270006 SE Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270010 SE Molecular Modelling
- 270025 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270026 SE [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270047 SE Instrumental Techniques in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270057 SE [ en ] Chemical sensors and selforganisation
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270072 SE Selectivity principles and their application in LC, CE and MS
- 270095 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270153 UE Practical exercises on literature research - Practical exercises on computer assisted literature research for natural scientists
- 270157 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270165 PR Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270180 SE Seminar on theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270182 VO Fundamentals of modern polymer materials
- 270201 SE Seminar on current topics in Theoretical Chemistry - Seminar
- 270202 SE Seminar Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics - in particular for PhD-students
- 270205 SE Special Didactics Physics/Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270220 SE Current aspects of Environmental Chemistry
- 270234 UE+VO Computers in materials chemistry - UNIX (LINUX), graphics, test processing with LATEX, creation of homepages with HTML
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270254 SE Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry - Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270258 SE Current aspects of Radiochemistry incl. Excursion
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 270270 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270271 VO Femtochemistry
- 270272 SE Advanced Mol. Cell Biology Seminar
- 270277 VO Metallo-organic chemistry and catalysis
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Selected Topics
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270294 UE [ de en ] Research project in Femto- and Nano-Science
- 270295 VO [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270296 VO Molecular biology of Plant VI - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 270301 VO Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties - Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
- 270314 SE Application of separation methods in bioanalysis
- 300342 SE Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
- 300437 SE Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
- 300438 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic
- 300439 SE Methods in medical biochemistry
- 300512 SE [ de en ] Seminar in plant biochemistry and physiology - Seminar about current topics in plant biochemistry and physiology
- 300592 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 300680 VO Presentation skills Science - (gemeinsam mit Mag. Silvia Lamboj)
27.05. Optional Courses
- 270089 VO Photobiology - Basic concepts of photobiology
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34