Universität Wien

5. Specialization Areas (Elective Courses) (12 SST)

190050 SE Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison - Distinguishing between Affirmative and Reflexive Educational Concepts. Critical Considerations on the Example of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
190178 SE Ethic Challenges in Education - Educational conceptions of cultivtion, civilization and moralization
190047 SE Educational Theory - Lektüre des zweiten Vortrages 1872 - mit Diskussion
190078 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Philosophy of Education: Contemporary Approaches
190099 SE Constitutional problems of the media education - Ideologiekritik pädagogischer Medienpraxis
190156 SE Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media - Media and Public. The relation of private and public sphere in educational communication
190271 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Niklas Luhmann's Media Theory
190058 SE Objects. Spaces. Contacts. Museums-education/animation - Aspects of Museums-education - with workshop and visits of museums
190093 SE Electronic media in change - The consequences for media pedagogy
190278 SE [en] Media Literacy
190743 VO Education and Policy - Vocational training beween economics and subject-orientation
190088 SE Planning, Evaluation and Assessment in Education - Planning, implementation and documentation of evaluation-processes and assessment in education
190284 VO Learn with adult - Basics of continuing education
190744 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Vocational training institutions - agencies of social forming
190184 SE+EX Animation as profession - latest developments in professional education illustrated by selected animational professions and their fields of action
190138 SE Bascis of Vocational Rehabilitation - Introduction in Disability Law and Disability Policy in Austria and the EU, Disability Equality Law, Accessibility, Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation
190033 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Consultation and accompaniment in the phase of transition school to work
190045 SE Evaluation and Methods in Rehabilitation Research - The qualitative Interview in Research of vocational Rehabilitation and Participation
190675 SE+EX Practical application of occupational rehabilitation - main focus: integration of people with intellectual disability
190136 VO Psychoanalytic Pedagogy - The Early Years of Life. Development of the Body-Ego, the development of affects, metallization and the psychosexual development in the first three years of life
190450 SE Analytical Oriented Individual Case-care 2 - Learning situation, social structure and developement
190149 SE Scenic understanding and conveyor diagnostics - in the work with people handicapped physical and spiritually
190264 SE Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection I - Praxis aus psychoanalytischer-pädagogischer Sicht
190185 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Development of Personality in Counselling and Psychotherapy
190083 SE Education, Biography and Age - Various institutions and their educational topics - seen from a psychoanalytic point of
190262 VO Educational institutions of youth welfare - and her management from psychoanalytic-educational perspective
190272 VO Supporting Children, Adolescents and their parents after traumatic experiences - Crisis-Intervention, counselling and psychotherapy
190089 SE Ways of understanding children's experience of separation - Analysis and interpretation of video-data related to toddlers' adjustment to Viennese centre care II
190035 VO Rehabilitation in special education II - Rehabilitation in special education II
190072 VO Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Deaf education - an introduction
190053 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Consultation in the context of prenatal diagnosis
190057 SE Person-centred planning - Person-centred and lifestyle oriented planning for people with a learning disability and other handicaps
190242 SE Theory und practice of psychomotor therapy - in the concept of special education and inclusion
190347 SE+EX Subjective Anatomy II - Theory and Practice of the Experiencing Body (Main subject: The artistic handling of body impairments in the paintings of Frida Kahlo)
190777 SE+EX Theater for everyone - Theatre for blind and visually handicapped people through special interventions and assistance of students. A Cooperation with Vienna's Schauspielhaus theatre
190023 SE Refelection on practice governing moments in professional relationships II - Analysis of interviews and observation reports
190074 SE Education and training with impaired senses ... - Research methods and research projects in deaf education
190210 SE Participatory Research methods - with people with learning difficults
190340 SE Qualitative Research Methods - in Special Needs Education
190244 SE Education as an answer on the relationship between the generations. - Studies on a topos in connection with Klaus Mollenhauer.
190825 SE Generations as Venues of Learning - Spatial and Social Environments of Appropriation of Young People
190055 SE Minorities in Central Europe - Tandem University Vienna - University Pécs
190030 VO Society and Social Change - Dissocial behavior and socialization
190148 SE The power of language and the force of pictures - Postmodern dialectics between language and picture and the consequences for the subject
190196 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Education, Migration, Social Heterogeneity; Theory and Practice of Intercultural Pedagogy
190186 SE Education and Gender - Education and Gender
190127 SE School and Education Research - Achievement, assessment, accountability
190012 SE Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning - Continuity and change in the historiography of education. Based on essays published in Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 1975-2008.
190889 VO BM15 Modelle und Methoden international vergleichender Schul- und Bildungsforschung - School systems in international comparison - An introduction to Comparative Education with special attention to the upper secondary stage of education
190229 SE+UE Project Studies Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy - Concepts and Research of Counselling Practice
190066 SE Between Infotainment and dialog - Drafts of the communication between science and society
190252 KU Labour Market Orientation - Communication Processes between Laypersons and Experts: Experiencing, Reflecting, Designing
190934 SE 5.10.3 Politische Ökonomie der Unternehmerischen Universität - Forschung, Forschungsevaluation und Innovation
190098 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Dotoral Students
190112 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Doctoral Students - with reference to empirical and school pedagogic
190273 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Doctoral Students
190274 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Doctoral Students
190709 SE Between creativity and strictness - On developing a draft for a thesis
190796 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
190938 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - Cultural Studies. The Relevance of methods and theories for media education
190079 SE Practice Seminar - Seminar practical attendend
190117 SE Workshop for Reference Library Interns - Students advise Students on the Stock, Indexing and Use of Educational Resaerch Literature.

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35